Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 3

Got thrown off my schedule because my youngest brother just graduated from the University of Iowa. But I am back in the game now. Today I studied types of numbers such as real numbers, rational numbers, integers, and whole numbers. I also studied how to solve inequalities and how to add real numbers. No problems with the material. I understand it all. Starting from the bottom. The saga continues.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day 2

Studyiing continues to go smooth. Today studied order of operations and classification of numbers such as whole numbers, integers, rational numbers and irrational numbers. Interesting stuff. The saga continues.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Day 1

First day was a success. Using an old textbook Prentice Hall Mathematics Algebra1, I began my quest to be a mathematician without formal training thirty minutes at a time. I'm starting from the very beginning so the first chapter is entitled Tools of Algebra. I got through all of section 1 Using Variables and most of section 2 Exponents and Order of Operations. I will begin on page 12 tomorrow. The saga continues.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Studying mathematics on my own

This blog is an experiment. I would like to study mathematics. I would like to study mathematics on my own and this blog will sort of serve as the diary of my successes and failures. Now I don't want to just study mathematics I want to be known as a mathematician without going to formal school for such a designation. I will consider this adventure a success if I can get a mathematics paper published in a respected mathematics journal, or get hired for a job that requires significant mathematics ability. Ultimately I want to test this new wave of educational opportunity that many bloggers like  James Altucher and other experimenters like David Mansaray have been raving about: simply the idea that anyone can learn anything they want without a formal institution if they put in the time and effort. Here is one more stipulation, I will study thirty minutes a day everyday to accomplish this goal. According to my calculations studying 30 minutes a day for 365 days will yield 10,950 minutes of study which will translate into 182.5 hours per year. Surprisingly, if I stick to this regimen I will hit the ten thousand hour mark in about 6 years. We will see how good I am at mathematics then. I will start with the traditional high school mathematics curriculum sequence: Algebra 1, Geometry, Alegebra II, Pre-Calculus, and Calculus. I will then move on to the undergraduate sequence. I will rely heavily on this mathematics guide I found sometime ago. I think mathematics is the perfect subject for this experiment because it requires very little if any outside equipment. Le the games begin.